The youngest of 11 children, Natalia grew up in what are lovingly called "the boonies" before very quickly departing for the big city of Montreal upon graduating from Highschool, where she obtained a bachelors degree in arts, Majoring in Communications and Theology.
After this, she began her graduate studies in Theology, which she is still working on.
However, a series of unfortunate dietary events caused an obsession with food never before seen in her family. Her entire undergraduate education was spent in various states of illness, which caused many instances of general funk and depression. It turned out that these were caused by Celiac's disease, as well as a severe dairy allergy, and many stomach problems which led to weight gain, depression, and general failure at large .
However, after three years of a vegan/gluten free diet, She lost 70lb, rarely gets more than a cold, and feels great!
Due to this, she wants to share her love of GFV food with the world at large!
As for her personal life, she is engaged to a wonderful gentleman named Matthew, and they live together in Montreal with their two cats, Fluffernutter Sandwich and Chub Chub.
She enjoys Crochet, Drawing, and also writes screenplays and novels (some of which she hopes to publish one day!) She also enjoys digital photography, and digital design (which she was focused on before adding a second major in Theology back in the day.) Her favorite type food is Thai, her favorite movie is The Empire Strikes Back, and her favorite Band is a tie between Tori Amos and Florence and the Machine.