December 5, 2011

Product Review: Noel Nog

When I was little, my favorite thing about Christmas was drinking the egg nog.

It just filled my little heart and tummy with joy and happiness. However, when I realized it also filled my stomach with pain and horror, and caused the cow population so much anguish, I figured that I would never feel that Christmasey joy and happiness ever again...


I had tried other soy nogs, but they didn't quite have that same... zing I was looking for. Le sigh.

But I was at the grocery store (one I don't go to often) because we had a gift certificate, and there, in a little fridge with all the soy milk, was a little bottle of So Nice Noel Nog.

It's amazing, it tastes EXACTLY like I remember! In a moment of shame, I've almost drank the entire bottle, but frankly it was so delicious that I couldn't stop myself. I kept a cups worth to drink before bed tonight.

GET SOME. If it's in your neighborhood, get some, you'll feel Christmasey in no time, and I'm not a particularly jolly person around the holidays, so that's saying something. I may have even hummed "Jingle Bells" a little... just sayin!

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